Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Episode 14: Brother's Keeper February 26, 2014

Jedikiah is getting dark. Mom is empowered yet still cautious. John is playing domestic. Cara is pissed by and pissing off all.

With the teams on both sides in fighting, Stephen is set to steal the show and save all...

From imdb
After getting some shocking news, Stephen attempts to restore order in both his worlds by making a deal with Jedikiah. With a new break-out on the loose, Cara and Russell try to lure him in but must contend with a trap from Ultra. Meanwhile, Jedikiah is closer to developing a new secret technology that could change his future.

From wiki...
After recent events Jedikiah makes a deal with Stephen so that he can keep working at Ultra. Steven, unimpressed with Cara's recent action, invites John to stay at his house after Cara had expelled him from the lair. What seems to be a Tomorrow Person with the ability to kill turns out to a twin hit squad, one human and the other a Tomorrow Person. Jedekiah wants to get his hands on the both of them to conduct a dangerous experiment in the transference of the ability of homo superior to homo sapiens. It doesn't go the way as planned after Cara arms one of them in an attempt to assassinate Jedikiah once and for all. Disappointed Cara would go as far to hire an assassin, John declines her offer to return under the impression that she wants another assassin at her call. Marla and Stephen come to an understanding about their situation. Jedikiah unbeknownst to anyone else has the body of his Brother Roger and seems to be working at an agenda which may or may not solely be his alone 

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